#Jamnominate and why trendy things are so hated

I touched on this certain thing on facebook as you see down below.


But that was me contained. Yes, I am actually restraining myself in that status. Here I can say whatever the fuck I want so if you don’t like it… well who gives a fuck about you anyway. But let’s talk about #Jamnomiate shall we.


Now I first saw this when one of my friends first did it. It went from him to all of my friends doing it and I eventually got nominated. By the way, for those of you who are waiting for a video from me, well your not getting it. I don’t have time to produce one. University work piling up and that is way more important than some facebook video. So #Jamnominate is a PG version and a more sensible version of #Neknominate which involves you being a complete retard (you probably are one anyway) by drinking a full glass, bottle, keg of beer and doing some stupid shit. I did catch one of a guy skateboarding on a downhill road, which I thought was very impressive. That guy has some impressive co-ordination and a strong mind to do that, but then again it is guys and they can handle their liquor well (unlike some bitches that get drunk off of one cider bottle). So with Jamnominate, you either use whatever instrument is at your disposal, vocal or guitar it doesn’t really matter (auto-tune in one case) and just perform something.

Simple, doesn’t involve stupidity, doesn’t involve you looking like an absolute retard and it presents a person in a positive light. It showcases the talent of a person instead of showcasing a person’s inability to use their brain. Surely this would be something that everyone would like right? RIGHT??


People have voiced out their annoyance of the Jamnomination trend saying that there is too much of them and they hate scrolling through all of them. And… well that is actually the only reason why I can see a person hate on this actually. The fact that they have to scroll through all of them is why it is getting some hate. That’s the only reason why I can see it getting hate. That and they probably think it’s just a way for someone to get attention on facebook and likes (Which I highly doubt). Now these… well let me put it out like this, these stupid opinions piss me off. Because it violates basic common sense, common knowledge and it just shows how fucking stupid people really are these days. I’ll get back to that in a moment. I want to address something first one of my friends brought up on fb. She asked “Wow, why are so many trends getting hate?” well Charmaine, I am here to answer that question for you.

First off, you can not satisfy everyone. That is a basic rule in life. There will always be that one dickhead that will just criticise everything and can never be happy about anything. Something like  Jamnominate was always bound to get hate from idiots that have the most stupid reasons of hating that I have ever heard of in my life. I swear the logic of these people. Mind-blowing.

Secondly, that is how society functions these days. People are so fickle when it comes to something trendy or starts to become popular. They love it at first but once they start seeing it again and again and again they will turn on it with just a single blink of an eye. For the million people that like something, there is that one bitch that just loves to complain and try to ruin the fun for everyone.

Thirdly, too mainstream? There has to be some pretentious asshole that saw all these Jamnominate videos and was saying this in a douchey, so far up his/her own ass he/she loves the smell of it “I thought Jamnominate was cool before everyone started doing it. Now it’s too mainstream.” I guarantee there are some douchebags that have actually spat out those following words and the person who listened to it probably wanted to bitch slap him back down to fucking earth since he/she failed at trying to sound unique, relevant and worth giving 0.1 of a fuck about.


So there are three reasons why trendy things get so much hate. Can’t satisfy everyone, people are very fickle and there is always that douche-bag that has a vendetta for anything popular. The best example I can think of all three of these reasons actually has something to do with pro wrestling. Because these fans are the most fickle, hypocritical, moronic dicks I have ever seen walk the face of this earth. Now there’s this wrestler named Daniel Bryan who is a star in the making. Now he is what these wrestling fans would want in their favourite wrestlers. He is an incredible wrestler, he is not the typical big guy WWE love, he come from the independent scenes and he has an awesome catchphrase. Everyone loved the guy… until now actually. Now you get idiots complaining he’s one-dimensional, he’s annoying, he’s this, he’s that and these are the same motherfuckers that were begging for someone new in the main event scene. And they get someone and YET it is still not good enough.

That’s basically what society has come down to these days. With Jamnominate, this is a good thing that shows people in a more positive light by getting them to show off their talents, yet you have these idiots that are complaining. Now let’s talk about these retarded, moronic, stupid useless breed of life. It’s time to take that rant from facebook from PG to fuck it let’s rip these idiots to shreds.

Now, I think I know why these people are so bothered with seeing all these videos. It is because that the people in these videos have more courage in their finger alone than the people complaining have in their whole body. It is because the people posting these videos have more talent than the ones complaining. And the ones complaining are so jealous of those people that they have to write stupid shit like that. Maybe it’s because they tried but failed so badly that the mother thought he/she was an accident. And with trying, the people around them have straight up told them that Nicki Minaj’s finger has more talent.

Or maybe they pissed themselves trying to perform in front of people. Or maybe they are just so fucking pathetic that they have to try and ruin everyone’s fun just to give themselves an ego boost and to make their life more meaningful. Because surely they have something better to do in their pathetic lives than just bitch and complain. Nope they must feel good about themselves because he/she is useless and deep down, the people who complain know how meaningless they are to the world.


And to the people who complain about scrolling down and seeing all of it. If it annoys you so much I will teach you right now how to deal with in three simple steps. But first you need the following:

  • A brain that works
  • Common sense
  • An education
  1. Observe the videos
  2. Ignore it
  3. Go one with your day

Simple. If you can’t do that then you epitomise how idiotic the world has gotten these days. If your that sick of seeing it, here’s another suggestion: CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT! I mean damn the people who complain about scrolling down and seeing it have the mental capacity of a fucking monkey. A monkey has a better function brain and has more common sense than these jackasses.

Well that’s all I got to say. If any of you complaining are pissed, I’ve done my job. Now get a fucking life and stop trying to ruin the fun for everyone.



  1. Hi “Jamnomination.com” and Real Talk,

    My name is Yoav, and I’m the president and founder of the Sonic Art Society at the University of Western Ontario. We actually started jam nominations as of February 13, 2014. Thanks so much for writing about the phenomenon, we’re very surprised that the trend has gone this far.

    Here is our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sonicartsocietyuwo

    For reference, here is the first video, timestamped on February 13, by Adam Dimla, aka Jaeger Prime: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=723913837649570&set=vb.100000928808138&type=3&theater

    Thanks again, please feel free to email at “ylai67@uwo.ca” or call me at 1-226-456-0851 for more information.

    Always a fan,

    P.S. Jamnomination.com, we’re on to you.

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